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Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"


HUMIDITY AND HAIR - D'Scent Essentials

Welcome to the heart of the humidity!  It’s summertime now; the heat is rising, the sun is shining, and your hair is either swelling or falling.  Either way, you need to do something with it.

Some people opt to get twists or braids in their hair, which is a very viable option.  You don’t have to do too much to your hair when it’s in that type of style, so it allows your hair and scalp to rest and continue to grow.  Others will go the “wash and wear” route, which is also a low-maintenance method.  Just shampoo, condition (pat your hair dry, of course), comb into the style you want, and go on with your day.  Both styles are particularly useful during this time of the year.

Still others choose to add extensions or wigs/weaves to enhance what they already have.  If you don’t want to do anything special with your hair, wigs are a “quick-fix” in a pinch, if you need to travel somewhere quickly.  For weaves and clip-ins, you’ll need to do a little more to your hair, but it’s still a good style for this weather.

Whatever your preference, you must be aware of the humidity.  This weather is not kind to hair.  Humidity is harsh and causes certain changes in your hair that you should know about.  If your hair is very fine and thin, expect your hair to just fall flat.  Any style you thought you had…consider it gone.  If you have wavy or curly hair, it will be the exact opposite.  Humidity brings moisture, so your hair will become a sponge and absorb any water particles in the air.  Frizzing and puffiness will be your hairstyle, no matter what it was before.

From (with additional comments from me), here are some good tips on how to handle summertime humidity:

Moisturize your hair and scalp.  Conditioning your hair and scalp will help retain your hairstyle, plus your scalp won’t be so dry from the summer heat.

Be careful with heat.  Because it’s already hot outside, it would be a good idea to let your hair air-dry as often as possible.  Applying more heat to your hair and then walking outside with the heat and humidity could cause additional damage to your hair, and you don’t want that.

Try a deep-oil or hair mask treatment.  To ensure your hair follicles stay strong and your scalp remains healthy, do an occasional hot oil treatment or even a hair mask treatment.  Hair masks can help deep condition your hair and prepare it for the warm weather.

Use natural ingredients.  Organic essential oils like lavender, rosemary, chamomile, peppermint, and lemongrass contribute to strong, healthy hair and hair growth.  D’Scent Essentials uses many different organic and natural essential oils for our products, including some of the ones mentioned, and we are currently working on a hair conditioning product that we plan to roll out in the future. 

Take the time to be good to your hair and scalp.  After all, it is your crowning glory, so treat it with the respect and love that it deserves.  With the humidity we’re having this summer, your hair and scalp will thank you!


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