Happy New Year, Essential Elite! D’Scent Essentials hopes that 2023 brings happiness, peace, and positivity your way!
The title of this blog was done on purpose. Since this is a new year, did you make new resolutions? Did you make new goals? Have you made (or are you making) new plans? What do you plan to do for 2023 and beyond? For D’Scent Essentials, we’re “cleaning house” so to speak, and revamping some things and making some great changes. For instance, we plan to provide more information on the different oils we use for our products. To start the ball rolling, here is some information on Flaxseed Oil:
Nourishes the skin. Although flaxseed oil (because of its large molecules) can’t be completely absorbed into the skin, it can still be used like a skin conditioner. It hydrates and softens the skin, and those with dry skin would greatly benefit from this oil.
Can smooth wrinkles. Because skin is made of proteins, the Omega-3 proteins in flaxseed oil can help soothe irritated skin and help smooth out wrinkles over time and with consistent usage. In a study from November 2010, published in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, women who used flaxseed oil noticed a decrease in their skin’s sensitivity to irritation and roughness, and mentioned an increase in smoothness and hydration. (Taken from Livestrong.com.)
Possible reduction of medical skin symptoms. Those with psoriasis and rosacea can also benefit from flaxseed oil. This oil can help reduce the chance of the symptoms appearing, and if they do appear, flaxseed can assist with the length of time the symptoms stick around. Most people have heard of psoriasis, but for those who aren’t familiar with rosacea, it is a skin condition that causes redness and pus-filled bumps on your face, like acne. Flaxseed Oil can help reduce the chances of these and other similar ailments appearing.
Make your health an important resolution, goal, and plan for 2023. Include your skin and hair as part of your regimen. D’Scent Essentials wants you to look, smell, and feel “d’scent”, and that’s our goal for 2023 and beyond: to give our Essential Elite and customers quality products, using as many natural and organic ingredients as possible, at great prices. Stay safe and stay D’Scent!