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Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"

Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"

Frantic Fall and Anxious Autumn

Frantic Fall and Anxious Autumn - D'Scent Essentials

Now that the season is changing from extreme heat to cooler temperatures (well, it’s supposed to get cooler), everyone starts to focus on different things: returning to school, returning to the office (for those folks who were able to telework from home), and preparing for the holidays.  How do you...

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Saving Face

Saving Face - D'Scent Essentials

How often do you wash your face?  Once a day?  Twice a day?  More frequently than that? A good rule of thumb would be to wash your face in the morning to start your day, and to wash it before you go to bed at night, to eliminate all the...

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“Poo” Independent

“Poo” Independent - D'Scent Essentials
People are wanting to claim their independence from shampoo because they believe that all of the detergents and products used for their hair are too harsh.  That may not be the best thing for your scalp health.
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Men and Their Skin

Men and Their Skin - D'Scent Essentials

Usually, skincare is geared more towards women, for obvious reasons.  Beauty products target women heavily and women often have a regimen that they follow to keep their skin moisturized and healthy.  But what about the men?  Men have skin too, and they need to take care of it.  And just...

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The Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis

The Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis - D'Scent Essentials

In the heart of spring (and heading rapidly towards summer), people are enjoying baring more of their skin to the environment.  However, those with either eczema or psoriasis don’t enjoy the heat on their skin as much as others.  But, what are the differences between the two? Although both are...

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