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Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"

Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"

Keep Your Nails Healthy

Keep Your Nails Healthy - D'Scent Essentials

By keeping your nails healthy, they can help keep you healthy.  With everything that has been going on in the world: pandemic, Covid 19, allergy season, colds, etc., you want to try and take good care of yourself.  If you can catch an issue before it becomes a bigger problem,...

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Hair Growth and Strength

Hair Growth and Strength - D'Scent Essentials

There are so many different types and kinds of hair, it’s difficult to figure out which products work best.  Sometimes, it’s just trial and error, to determine which is the best ingredient or formula for your hair type.  One of the ingredients you should consider is what type of essential oil would...

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Like Fine Wine....

Like Fine Wine.... - D'Scent Essentials

Depending on whom you speak to, most people will say a lady never tells her age.  In many cases, it may be difficult to determine a woman’s age just by her appearance.  And, when makeup is added, looks really can be deceiving!    Your skin, like your hair, is a crowning achievement.  The skin can...

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STRETCH OUT - D'Scent Essentials

Ah, stretch marks.  Unless you’re a child, or are in peak physical condition, and have never lost or gained weight, you probably have them.  Stretch marks are those thin, zebra-like stripes you find on your skin once you’ve either gained or lost weight.  They’re normally found in our more “meaty”...

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This time of the year is brutal for the skin.  The extreme cold can wreak havoc on your hands, your face, and any other part of your body that’s exposed to the elements.  You need beneficial ingredients to work with your skin and body to help heal the dry, cracked...

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