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Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"

Products to make you look, smell, and feel "DScent!"

Healthy Nails and Your Health

Healthy Nails and Your Health - D'Scent Essentials
Keeping your nails healthy, they can help keep you healthy.  Keeping your natural nails healthy can also help with your overall health as well.  Keeping your natural nails healthy can help with your appearance too.
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Are You Pedi Ready?

Are You Pedi Ready? - D'Scent Essentials
With warmer weather comes sundresses, shorts, and of course, sandals!  Are you ready for sandal season?  Sandal season is here and you want your feet to look cute.  You can either go to the salon or perform your own pedicure.  Check out our easy steps to perform your at home pedicure.
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